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6 Ways to Support Your Photographer

We all have a favorite photographer, whether or not we have been supporting their journey for a day, a week or since the very beginning, there are always ways you can show your support for FREE!

  1. Using one of their photos as your background! This might seem simple, but people ask comment on my phone wallpaper all the time + this is a perfect opportunity to support your photographer for free!!
  2. Use one of their photos as your profile picture! Another super simple way to support your photographer! The odds are when you share your new photos, someone who is unfamiliar with their work will see it and be interested knowing that you trust them to capture moments in your life that matter to you! Every little way helps when it comes to ways to support your favorite photographer.
  3. Share their content! Did something your photographer shared inspire you? Did it wow you? Whatever emotions your photographer may have evoked within their work should be something worth sharing with the world!! You can never overshare when it comes to supporting your favorite photographer!
  4. Interact with their posts! For those of you who do not know, social media sites share content to new users based on share-ability. In other words, they want to see what users are sharing to their stories, saving to their albums or are commenting on! These posts are significantly more likely to be pushed than a post with little to no interactions! In fact, a comment, save and share goes SIGNIFICANTLY further than a like does in 2023! Start being intentional when interacting with their page + I promise your photographer will notice the extra support you are giving them!
  5. Showcasing their work in your home! This one tends to speak for itself, but displaying work in ones home gives others a more realistic visual of what working with your photographer would look like for them! Want to go the extra mile? Once your images are all hung up in your home, snap a picture and share it online for your followers to see! This is a double win for you + the efforts to help support your photographer.
  6. Leave a positive review! Most clients find photographers from word of mouth or reviews. It is super beneficial for potential clients to look at other couples previous experiences with the photographer to get a better idea of what they are investing in! This is truly one of the most intentional/meaningful ways to show your everlasting support of your photographer.

Whether you do one of the items above or all of them, your photographer GREATLY appreciates any and all efforts for continuing to support their business!

Looking for the perfect photographer for your big day? Look no further! O Happy Day Photo is here for you! Inquire at the link attached + get ready for an unforgettable experience!

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Images by Reilly Day with O happy day Photography | Template by The Buffalo Collective | Brand and Template customization by J. Ashley Innovations | powered by Showit